New Single "Now You Know" available now!

with America's own The Iguanas!
I'm joined by The Iguanas on my latest tune, available on Bandcamp! Just click HERE to check it out!
While you're at have a listen to my other singles "Num Num Charlie", "Halleloo" and "Ninth Ward Chickens"
And come out to Chickie Wah Wah on a Monday night sometime!
Yeah man!
Jazz Fest and French Quarter Fest Dates Announced!
I'm pleased to announce that I've been selected to perform at the 2017 Jazz and Heritage Festival Friday April 28 at the Gentilly Stage. Set time TBA. Also Tin Men April 30 at the Blues Tent and Debbie Davis and the Mesmerizers May 6 in the Economy Hall tent. I'll also be with Pat McLaughlin's New Orleans Outfit on Saturday April 29 at the Lagniappe Stage.
I'll be with all those bands and then some at the French Quarter Fest this year. Tin Men and Debbie Davis and the Mesmerizers both play on April 7, Alex McMurray and Band Saturday April 8 and Paul Sanchez on Sunday April 9. Come on out for New Orleans' biggest free music festival!
New Single "Num Num Charlie" Out Now!

And now some light fare for these freewheeling times. "Num Num Charlie" is now available on Bandcamp in any file format you prefer. All three recent singles are right there for easy picking. "Ninth Ward Chickens" and "Halleloo" are up on itunes if that is what you're into.
click this link to check out Num Num Charlie
New Single Out Now!

Hey Kids check out my latest single "Halleloo" ... with the help of the great James Singleton, Mike Dillon and Lynn Drury. I hope you like it. Drop me a line and tell me what you think...
And the "Ninth Ward Chickens" are still looking for a place to roost. Give the bird a boost!
More coming soon..
you'll see...
Ninth Ward Chickens now is on itunes!

Head on over to itunes and pick up "Ninth Ward Chickens" right here.
Still available on Bandcamp! Check it out!
Get Your Ninth Ward Chicken Here!
Hey my new single "Ninth Ward Chicken", recorded with the Morning Forty Federation right here in the 9th Ward is available RIGHT HERE!
Check it out!
World Premiere "Ninth Ward Chickens"

Wednesday 9/14/2016 on WWOZ at 12:30pm
Hey my new tune "Ninth Ward Chickens" will be having its world premiere TODAY (9/14/16) on George Ingmire's show on WWOZ at 12:30. The song features sterling performances by the Morning 40 Federation and was recorded right here in 9th Ward chicken country...the song will be download-able soon on Bandcamp and Itunes...details to follow!
Tin Men Back at DBA
Tin Men are back on Wednesday nights at DBA! Check out America's premier Sousaphone/Washboard/Guitar trio every Wednesday night at 7pm.
Chazfest Back On
Dear friends of Chazfest. The Powers The Be at the Truck Farm have done some finagling and have worked it out so that Chazfest #10 2016 will take place on Wednesday April 27. Sorry for all the confusion.
Alex and Write Bros Nominated for Best of the Beat Awards
Alex as well as the Write Brothers have been nominated in the "roots", "songwriter" and "guitarist" can vote here
Alex owned the week!
Check it out HERE
Alex on the Spudcast!
With the great John "Spud" McConnell. Check it out HERE
Tin Men Heading Out West
Tin Men will be in Livingston, MT for the Hoot Thursday Aug 13, In Casper, WY Aug 14 and at the Gold Hill Inn in Gold Hill, CO Saturday Aug 15. Tell a friend!
Summer Updates
Hey just got back in town and got the new dates up on the site. More to come.
Tin Men are heading out west in August! Check out the Shows Page.
Also Tin men have a new CD "On The Shady Side". Release extravaganza Sept 23 at DBA 7-9!
random questionnaire
Hey I'll be performing at a thing called Milo's Music Parlor at 6:30 next Tuesday at Tasseology 1228 Oretha Castle Haley Boulevard NOLA. They do this pre-interview. I guess so they know what to ask on the show. Here's the Q&A. I case you were wondering and, hey, it's content!
1. How long have you been in New Orleans and where are you from?
Been here since August 1987. I can't do the math. 28 years? I was born and raised in Red Bank, New Jersey, in the house my father only moved of very recently.
2. What drew you to New Orleans? or Why New Orleans?
I came here by accident. I wound up at Tulane University because it was the only school that I applied to that gave me financial aid. Hated it at first and spent my freshman year trying to get into a school in Oregon. When they wait-listed me that pretty much sealed the deal because by the time I was accepted all the financial...
Is it summertime already?
Dear Lord...has it really been since January that I updated this News section? Holy hell...well suffice to say lots has happened and I have proof somewhere. The Springtime has come and gone and now we're hitting the 90 degree time. Just as well. I've been trying to get this adhesive off my arms. Perhaps it will simply melt away. Here's some news: New Tin Men CD on its way. I'm crapping you negative. Also going to the Ascona Jazz Festival with Tin Men and Debbie Davis. Ain't that some shit? Also going out West with Tin Men in August...dates will be posted ASAP. Come say hello...
The Write Brothers debut CD Released!

First Flight
The Write Brothers new CD, First Flight, is available now. The Write Brothers are Alex McMurray, Jim McCormick, Paul Sanchez, and Spencer Bohren.
New Write Brothers CD
"First Flight"
Hey I'm in a new band with these fellas Spencer Bohren, Paul Sanchez and Jim McCormick. We have a CD out now called "First Flight". It's mostly songs we wrote together, plus new interpretations of one another's songs. Playing our NOLA debut gig at Chickie Wah Wah on Jan 16 at 8...
Spencer Bohren, Paul Sanchez, Alex McMurray and Jim McCormick take flight as the Write Brothers
The Write Brothers had a problem. On the last day of recording their debut album, Spencer Bohren, Paul Sanchez, Alex McMurray and Jim McCormick realized they needed one more song...
Offbeat Review of Redhaus show
Thanks to Laura DeFazio, Aurora Nealand, Mike Darby and everyone who came out! What a great space!
Of all the incredible events and concerts that went on this past Halloween weekend, the most memorable was also the most bizarre.
The Redhaus, an Alice-in-Wonderland-level-trippy art space on St. Claude complete with a thoroughly life-threatening tree house structure out back, marked its reopening Sunday night with an underground concert featuring Frenchmen notables Alex McMurray, Aurora Nealand, and Mike Darby.
Various collaborators had been hard at work for weeks to ready the gutted double shotgun for the show, but everything was still fascinatingly precarious, with countless nooks and crannies and weird surprises.
A giant mechanical skeleton swimming in psychedelic projections hung from the ceiling, a gondola from the 1984 World’s Fair sat perched casually in a treetop in the...