Royal Fingerbowl Live Recording this Friday

The cards and letters keep pouring in, all demanding another Royal Fingerbowl show at One Eyed Jack's...
The Great Minds at TeamFinger have listened!
wetnapThis Friday night (Nov 14) come join Royal Fingerbowl for a night of Fingerbowl Music (a subset of twentieth-century western pop music not meant for dancing). And as an added bonus, you will be a part of HISTORY, as the performance will be recorded for eventual release as a CD. Get there early and get yourself a good spot up front. Enjoy some of the many cocktails available at this fine establishment, and get ready for the FUN!
Doors at nine, show starts at ten. One Eyed Jack's is located at 615 Toulouse St. between Royal and Chartres in the French Quarter. Their phone number is (504) 482-3133 and you can check them out online at
Thanks for reading this. Be one of the Proud Fourteen!
Alex McMurray